A ragtag collection of musings poems and images of the beloved Chignecto region of the incredible Bay Of Fundy. A tribute to the people of the "Salt and Fir" whose exploits and thoughts are now part of eternity's blog. We grant unto Mother Nature the glorious creation of this magnificent eco system and find ourselves in it's solace . It is now ours to nurture, protect and discover.

Friday, February 25, 2011


We circle around creating sacred spaces

Monday, February 21, 2011

River Godess

located on the crooked Creek hiking Trail..about 5 minutes in..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Skellig (On Solitude)

"An incredible, impossible, mad place. I tell you the thing does not belong to any world that you and I have lived and worked in; it is part of our dream world.”
GB Shaw

This is my take on the place:


Ah for yon beehive of stone

On angry Skellig.

Dank and dismal as the souls

Of those I left behind.

With naught but the winged

Creatures of god to observe

This lonely vigil,

That God might be shown to me.

And well it springs to mind

The day so long ago.

Dear Seamus and I set sail,

Our small curragh so proud

Tossed as a pebble oer the waves

Sunset bound for the silhouette

Of yon Skellig.

A quiet life we left. Safe within

The sheltered walls of home

To a rockbound world of wind and sea

Ne’er intended for man

A place to find our God.

A place that Seamus would not see.

My dear brother, no scholar he

A man who by his life

Was fit for God’s company.

And now he dwells beneath the waves

As gannets soar above to sing

His praises

And I alone look out to see

From Skellig’s rocky crags.

As sweet were his dying words to me

As the caress of Mother

So long removed.

To Skellig…. Riocard

There is no return.

You must live for us all.

 I gazed into those eyes so loved

That will ne’er be seen the more.

And he sank into the brine.

Four long years have I dwelled

Here, in God’s embrace

With sun and sea and sky

And in early eve

The returning’ puffins cry

As the sun, that lamp of God

Sets upon my upturned face.

Would that I see the smiles of home.

The laughter of other’s eyes.

The somber silence of their quest

The mirth and merriment of their jest

My father’s wrath, my mother’s sigh

Even now I hear their voices

Ringing in the cold sea wind

That wraps me as a cloak

On this rock of God.

For as dear Seamus cried

There is no return.

On a clear and peaceful eve

When the sea lies calm

In the pink of the setting sun

I see Kerry’s distant shore

A lifetime away.

For my small curragh sleeps with my brother

And I awake here

Alone with God.

O hear my supplication,

O Father Of the world!

Even now you speak to me

In light and colour

And raging storm.

Lashin’, thrashin’ rivets of rain

That my fears be part of your own

And my loss, your gain.

And now as lavender becomes black

I return to yon beehive

To sleep again.

And awake in praise and love

On this rock of God.

Skellig my Lord


zman.. 90s

Tuesday, February 8, 2011




Ah, the sweet smell of oases past.

Even now the ready laughter of men..

Sated with wine..the coolness of eve,

Descending into her eyes

Where all the desert sands are spawned

And a heart was full.

Those were dusty days ago

Only the echoes to comfort

This lonely trek..the spitting

Groans of the camels giving voice

To our longing

The fears that do not speak.

Across this ancient strand

Upon this timeless trail

The wind tossed steps of the faithful

Each caravan oozing onwards.

Upon the horizon's edge

A new illusion staggers into day

Until the eyes grow full.

Mirage rising warily

Our shame! Our ..hope

Fortune cast not a clouded eye

Nor invite the scorpion's wrath

Even now as Kkali's spawn.. Sirroco

Screams winds of desolation

We, devour the dunes

We, the people of the caravan.

Zman 2003

Monday, February 7, 2011


Night Flight

Well I fell into a dream last night

And I soared over hills like an eagle

…In flight

I saw old women weepin’ and wringin’

Their hands

I saw young women’s haunted eyes

Tryin’ to understand.


And I wondered at the sight.

My heart cried out

To see their plight

And I went back to the sky at night

And I went back to the sky.

Well I fell into a dream last night

And I soared over hills

Like an eagle in flight

I saw old men bent with the load

Of their lives

I saw young men standin’ round

Tellin’ each other lies.


And I wondered at the sight.

My heart cried out

To see their plight

And I went back to the sky at night

And I went back to the sky.

Well I fell in to a dream last night

And I soared over hills

Like an eagle in flight

I saw earth and rock and sky

Meet the shinin sea in green

Telling every things all right

And life’s not what it seems.

And you know it was only a dream

Yeh.you know that it’s only

A dream.

Well I fell into a dream last night

And I soared o’er the hills

Like an eagle in flight

To my ever lovin’ woman

Her eyes in light

Her sweet voice softly sayin’

It’ll be all right

And you know it was only a dream

Shh..you know it was

Only a dream……..

Zman 1980s